Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stay With Me

If I lose my way,
If I wander and do wrong,
I hope you stay close.

By Jerome Moross and Carolyn Leigh.

Should my heart not be humble
Should my eyes fail to see
Should my feet sometimes stumble
On the way, stay with me

Like the lamb that in springtime
Wanders far from the fold
Comes the darkness and the frost
I get lost
I grow cold

I grow cold, I grow weary
And I know I have sinned
And I go seeking shelter
And I cry in the wind
Though I grope and I blunder
And I'm weak and I'm wrong

Though the road buckles under
Where I walk, walk along
Till I find to my wonder
Every path leads to Thee
All that I can do is pray
Stay with me
Stay with me

1 comment:

  1. Hello Robert, yes another one from out of the shadows but come into the light of Bob Dylan's Music Box and listen to every version of every song composed, recorded or performed by Bob Dylan, plus all the great covers and so much more.
